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33. Hollow Sunlight

This poem was written in half an hour..So it's not that pro :) But it is probably hard to understand since it just randomly popped into my head..Well, the pink brick symbolizes PEACE and it can only be built when people build it together, but some people are scared of peace, such as the narrator in this they end up living in a hateful world. Why is it called 'Hollow Sunlight'? Because the narrator wakes up and the sun feels hollow to her because she realized how afraid she is of peace. But this is just my side of the poem. Interpret it any way you like, and...ENJOY!!!!!!! :)

With long brunette hair and the smile of an angel
The stunning young lady so inviting with glee
She picked up a few bricks off the dusty black floor
She caressed them and gave one to me

I was expecting a heavy thick brick
Weighing at the minimum twenty pounds
But instead it was light as a feather flying down
From the tip of my nose to the ground

The slender brick was smooth as marble
Not a glint of blemish, rose pink
The most beautiful hunk of concrete I’ve seen
I dropped it, and it fell with a light clink

As if a thimble had been plunged
Emotionless, the brick lay there on the floor
I towered above the alien structure in awe
And I swivelled and ran for the door

In second’s time, the elegant goddess was by my side
Before I had the chance to enjoy one gulp of fresh air
She shot me one pitiful glance
As if I understood, I nodded and pretended to care

When I strolled on the sidewalk on my way home
My eyes were playing a dirty trick…
I looked around and I noticed
Every person I passed by was carrying a brick

Smooth, pearly, flawless bricks
Illuminated the dusky street
As every person had one bound in their arms
Every living human I happened to greet

They were heading towards one direction
Which was odd for a city as colossal as this
I decided to stalk the robotic crowd
This secret could not afford to be missed

They arrived at the sully old building
In which I met the goddess of light
They did not enter; instead, they crept to the field beside
One by one, they laid bricks and remained by the site

The fair blossom bricks stacked on top one another
In a marvellous pattern of shades
A building was formed, a darling pink wall
I observed in amazement, and I stayed

By nightfall, the stars were born and the building was complete
The glistening, creamy temple of peace
Every human in the city stepped through the majestic front doors
And then the goddess slammed it on me

I heard thunder roar from the distance
I felt petty rain patter my face
I was soon drenched, so I went up to the grand manor
And read the sign on the marble door in disgrace

‘Admission is a single pink brick;
Handed to you directly by the goddess of light
For together we can build peace
And lead our people from the dark night’

I glimpsed in through the split in the door
The people were banqueting on prime steak
Others were laughing and singing
My unvarnished envy caused a heart ache

I glided back to the dusty aged building
In which I remember dropping the brick
I descended inside, and the door closed shut behind me
I was trapped, my insides felt sick

I was stranded in a hollow large room
Spider webs clogging my nose
Knees inch-deep in filth and God-knows-what
Black bricks queued to the arched ceiling in rows

I pinpointed a lone pink brick
Glimmering from amongst the murk
I reached out to caress the angel in my arms
I was certain it was going to work…

A skeletal hand hooked my wrist
And thrust me away from my grace
Eerie, raw figures overshadowed me
Heavy black bricks shoved in my face

The next morning, I woke up and realized
I was lying in bed, the nightmare was done
Sparrows chirped through my window and I hummed along
Absorbing the rays from the lustrous sun

With long brunette hair and the smile of an angel
The stunning young lady so inviting with glee
She picked up a few bricks off the dusty black floor
She caressed them and gave one to me


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