Some people are in our lives
Meant to be loved from a distance
There's nothing wrong with that
It's just that we're too different
Or perhaps even too alike
Two north poles repelling each other
A couple of lone wolves mingling
A dog barking at its own reflection
The same blood runs through our veins
But we are not meant to know each other
We're just meant to co-exist
On the same planet, but ignorant of the other
A colourful scaled fish roaming the seas
While a spider sits in its web in a barn
One wholly unaware of the other
But needing the other in some way
For earth to reach an equilibrium
Not everything is meant to be held forever
Some things are meant to be let go
Like the old school pencils at the bottom of the drawer
Or the Barbie dolls in the back of the closet
They're loved, but loved at a distance
Admired from afar
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