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Women: Living Contradictions

What does society want? For women to achieve impossible standards (and, by the way, it is NOT possible to achieve something that is impossible). Society wants us to be living contradictions...cabbage heads on stilts... airhead rocket scientists. Society wants us to be things that don't even exist in fiction, but only in the glossy pages of a Cosmopolitan magazine (look at me! I'm so skinny! So happy! Sexy all the time!). As I heard said many times before, "even Victoria's Secret models don't look like Victoria's Secret models." The way the proportions are warped, each pimple bleached, each hair trimmed down to pre-pubescence, toes and fingers without a scar, and the face angelic and so happy... it makes me sick. It makes me sick because of the contradictions, because women are expected to:

Be sexy but not slutty
Be innocent but not prude
Be virgins but also fantastic lovers
Be independent but submissive
Be good mothers but maintain careers
Be good housewives but have jobs
Be mature but look young (forever)
Be curvy and skinny simultaneously
Be smart but don't show it (that makes you a bitch, bitch)

And do all of the above while wearing sexy heels and a red laced push-up bra to cover the heart. This is all the evidence that is needed to prove that society's expectations are way out of every woman's league. Why climb a ladder that is constantly being constructed? You will never reach the top. So although these contradictions are repulsive (and most are invented by men) women should do their part, too, and stray away from accepting these "norms." Don't crumble under society's expectations, as difficult as this may be- prove that you are NOT an object, you're not trying to be one, and you're definitely not a Victoria's Secret model (because they're just as fictional as the troll from Hogwarts).

Another thing is that society teaches women to be a man's pet. Seriously, listen to some rap songs: "come over here, bitch and lick it." A bitch is a female dog, my friend. I envision a man sitting on a couch with a spoon of peanut butter in his hand, talking to his Pomeranian puppy, "come lick it, bitch." Women are always reduced to being animals- irrational, wild, "must be tamed", always ready for sex. A sexy woman is a fox, a large one is a cow, a dirty one a pig, a cute one a chick, a sex savvy one a cougar. Then there is the odd garden tool- the hoe. 

Anyway, I leave this rant off by saying that: 
1. Society is messed
2. Women can't be the impossible
3. No, Flo Rida, I will not blow your whistle


  1. This is the feminist view of what society expects of women. Men don't expect this at all, at least not the one's that you find when going to the club. Try talking to some people that you don't think are "hot", and maybe then you'll find the real men. Double standards exist for both men and women, so don't just outline the problems from one side and expect the other to just sit there and take it. That's why I say fuck women's rights, fuck men's right, let's adopt human rights.

    1. Not once in there did I say that ALL men expect this from women, I said what society portrays women as a whole, and it is true. Also, it doesn't matter if the man is hot or not, if he goes to clubs or not, he can be a jerk just as much as any other. Men have it tough, but not as tough as women. So sorry, anon, I say go women's rights! :)

  2. "Asians have it tough, but not as tough as blacks. So sorry, I say go black rights (instead of a collective human rights)!" That statement above is politically incorrect, but somehow when you substitute the two races with genders (which are way broader in scope), it becomes politically correct?

    1. Everyone and every gender should have equal rights. What I'm saying is that women are not equal to men, which is why women's rights are so important. For every dollar that a man makes, a woman makes 70 cents (tell me how THAT is correct in ANY way?). Give me a valid example of a "double standard" for men, if you have any.

  3. I am a writer. I do not solve problems, I simply record them :P

  4. adpaulucci I can't agree more. Olga is correct (even though she phrased it poorly) although she doesn't listening to her own advice. People are aware of gender inequality in society. She is literally whining about how hard it is to be a girl w/out supplying any solutions.
    The problem with her 'writing' is not that there is no originality but that there is no argument. Sloppy grammar can be forgiven but sentences like, 'and, by the way, it is NOT possible to achieve something that is impossible.' What is the point of this sentence? Am I missing something? I know what impossible means so why are you explaining it? I won't bother contributing anymore criticism because Olga will probably delete my comment anyway


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