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Showing posts from July, 2022


I want to howl at the moon And be wild, be free Take these stilettos of my feet And feel the sand in between my toes Chip my nails and let my hair grow long Sing from deep within my diaphragm  Not caring how bad I sound  After all, only the bluebirds can hear me I want to spend the day drenched in the sun's heat The evenings scavenging for berries Then fall asleep under a canopy  Of a thousand twinkling stars  Is this what freedom tastes like? Sweet nectar and earthy moss? Fuzzy caterpillars tickling my ankles As I'm picking mushrooms that are safe to eat And throwing them in my basket To be wild, be free To live in the forest is a dream A landscape in my mind A regression to a time before I was born Where we didn't wear stilettos 

Walnut Heart

Like a walnut, my heart's sealed shut No one but I can crack it open But I am always stuck in a rut Desperately tired of hoping For a decade, my muscles have been tense My poor body and mind constricted Like a snake, looking into my soul, intense My own heart's gotten me conflicted So I self-medicate with ramen noodles and wine And push the uncomfortable thoughts deep down But there's so much it can bear, this heart of mine And not enough noise for the bad thoughts to drown There is no running from your soul There is no solice in denial Sooner or later you have to take control So that you're ready to walk down the aisle Yes, walnuts are tough to crack But with love and patience it can be done When you get there, don't look back Know that you have won Yes, healing hurts, my heart's an open sore Admitting it is hard to do But now my heart's an open door 'Cause you love me, and I love you, too