It came in the night
I was sound asleep
When a flash awoke me
From the land of sheep
I went downstairs
Opened the back door
My cat rushed in
And crouched on the floor
There I saw
The object of his fear
A huge space ship
On a new frontier
I rubbed my eyes
And pinched my skin
But the UFO was there
When I opened my eyes again
Then I heard some munching
From the kitchen door
So I took a peek
And there rustling through my drawers...
Was a whole family of
What I can only describe
As long limbed martians
A four-alien tribe
Their skin was blue
Eyes big and black
They slurped and munched
As they made a snack
On the table were
Stacks of toast
Bacon, cheddar,
And rib eye roast
Excuse me m'am
The father asked
Could you do for me
A little task?
Could you fetch me
A glass of milk
Made by the udders
Of a zoptolirk?
I said that instead
I have milk from oats
And from jersey cows
And free range goats
I don't know any
Of those beasts
The alien said
Head down in defeat
They ate their meal
In a few big bites
Then jetted off
And took their flight
The only evidence
Of their stay
Was the pile of dishes
And my lawn in disarray
I sometimes wonder
If I'd dreamed it all
The lights a mirage
Puppets on my wall
Why I still think aliens are real
Is because my cat is scarred
As he still refuses
To venture in the yard
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