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62. The Life of a Fruit Bat

My eyes can see
Yet I have less satisfactory perception than a fruit bat clinging to a branch in the moonlit night, hovering aimlessly over bruised peaches, staining its petty wings in sweet liquid; how unfortunate that this mere excuse for a mammal is better than I

My skin can feel
Yet a serpent has the capability to penetrate the quilted layer of my arm muscle, and it indeed, if thirsty enough, can spew poisonous acidity into the blood cells of my vein, rushing to my idiotic brain as it morphs into a mass of disgrace

Whoever imbecile founded the theory that humanity is the mightiest in the animal kingdom was clearly a fool who had never witnessed daylight beyond the golden gates of his estate. Or perhaps he had a few too many barrels of grape wine while gambling at a round table in the shaggy basement with his equally numskull friends.

The world is ironic in that way- It is the animal kingdom that is more powerful than we.

Humans are selfish, money driven rodents
We would slay others of our own kind to the bone for no liable reason
We would sell our souls in the alleyway for a five dollar bill
Some of us would be willing to cheat and lie in order to feel the ecstatic sensation of a wad of green twenties slipping in between our fingers like delicate sandpaper

It is a fact that there is no species in the animal kingdom, other than us genius humans, of course, that not only destroy, but diminish, and dismantle, their natural habitat.

As far as I am concerned, my feline pet has a higher self esteem than most people I have come in contact with. She does not mind that her stomach is bloated and on the verge of obese. No, she just lives the life she normally would with tail held high, for that matter.

A lioness has more sense than to worry about the cleanliness of her mane, or the entire species would be extinct. Whereas humans bring streams of panic upon themselves for the most irrelevant reasons, and if we were to pity ourselves for our troubles as we do now amidst the lanky grasses of the African springs, we would most certainly be dead.

My conclusion is that a fruit bat should have a higher IQ than all 6 billion inhabitants of the world combined.


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