The rat race, it’s called
In college it’s a plague
All the rats gnawing at each
other’s tails
Trying to reach for the top
They don’t sleep, they don’t
Cause now it’s cool to be
To boast the battle scars on
our brains
“Here is where I pulled 3 all
nighters for an exam”
“This mark here is where I
failed and then cried”
“There is where I went to
Starbuck’s 10 times in one day and
I still couldn’t get that
homework done”
Why are they proud of this?
I’ll never know
What drives the rats to mind
pumping drugs
But they don’t make you
smarter, they
Just make you dizzy and robotic
and dazed
The little pills make you feel
less lazy
So instead of going for a walk,
or to church, or reading a book
You can sit on your chair and
digest information for days
Swallow it whole, all the
books, the LSATs
Until you’re numbed by the
excess of dictations
You’re more like Google and
less like a person
A siphon for information
Awake, above your covers, in a
pool of sweat
You have a caffeine-induced
That you won’t pass the test
That you’ll fall behind all the
Cause you must be the best
At any cost, to reach the top
The top of a race that never
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