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Showing posts from April, 2018

What Will You Do With Your Useless Degree? (A True Story)

My adolescence was unique. I went to an International Baccalaureate high school, but stayed clear of the advanced program. The main reason was because I hated math. I didn't see a point in it, it was stressful, and the sight of formulas and shapes made me squirm in revulsion. Many kids detest math, but my IB school prided itself in its advanced mathematics and science programs. There is nothing wrong with that. We need experts in STEM subjects in the world in order to progress modern society. However, all other aspects of academia, like literature and art (my two favourite hobbies) were cast into the shadows as useless and taboo subjects. Some of my classmates weren't that nice to me, either. As the editor-in-chief of the high school newspaper for an unprecedented two consecutive years, I did not make the "cool" list among my peers. Not because I was "geeky," but because I liked... liberal arts. I would get passing comments like, "have fun wor...

A Siphon for Information

The rat race, it’s called In college it’s a plague All the rats gnawing at each other’s tails Trying to reach for the top They don’t sleep, they don’t stop Cause now it’s cool to be exhausted To boast the battle scars on our brains “Here is where I pulled 3 all nighters for an exam” “This mark here is where I failed and then cried” “There is where I went to Starbuck’s 10 times in one day and I still couldn’t get that homework done” Why are they proud of this? I’ll never know What drives the rats to mind pumping drugs But they don’t make you smarter, they Just make you dizzy and robotic and dazed The little pills make you feel less lazy So instead of going for a walk, or to church, or reading a book You can sit on your chair and digest information for days Swallow it whole, all the books, the LSATs Until you’re numbed by the excess of dictations You’re more like Google and less like a person A siphon f...