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Things I Like

In alphabetical order.

Cause I'm bored and procrastinating.

20-minute bubble bath
A good night's sleep after a long day
All other crepes
All the nailpolish colours of the rainbow
All-you-can-eat with scrumptious desserts
American Eagle jeggings
Archie comics
Arts and crafts
Attempting to dance
Attending school events
Barbeque chips- my studying snack
Bath & Body Works hand lotions
Breakfast at Cora's restaurant
Britney Spears perfume
Browsing through the Forever 21 website
Buying clothes on sale
Buying new heels
Buying things with money I earned
Candy canes
Chicken wings
Coca Cola
Comfy pyjamas
Criminal Minds
Cross country skiing
Deep fried bananas
Dr. Seuss stories
Dress shopping
Fashionable sunglasses
Finding change on the ground
French crepes
Getting a haircut
Getting my writing published
Going bowling
Going camping and making s'mores/BBQ/other goods
Going downtown
Going on roller coasters
Going to the beach and tanning
Going to the spa
Going to the zoo and seeing the giraffes!
Going to tropical places
Gummy worms
Halo 3
Halo Reach
Happy music
Harry Potter
Having no homework
Hello Kitty merchandise
Hollister sales
Honey cruller donut- the one I buy every time
Horseback riding
Iced tea on a hot summer day
Japanese horror movies
Japanese restaurants
Jennifer Aniston
Johnny Depp and any Johnny Depp movie
Karaokeing/other Asian activities
Kinder Surprise
Learning new interesting things in English/history/anthropology/etc. class
Leonardo DiCaprio and all the movies he's ever starred in
Lord of the Rings
Lying on my bed and daydreaming for hours
Makeup testing at Sephora
Making cards and writing poems for people I care about
McDonald's- pies and McChicken and fries and pretty much everything about it
Midnight snacks
Mr. Stickney's philosophy class
MSNing- until odd hours of the night
My real friends
Nail art
New Dr. Phil episodes
Niagara Falls
No-clump mascara
Partying with people I like
Passion fruit bubble tea with tapioca
People who are genuinely nice
Pillsbury croissants- the only things I can bake
Pink lipstick
Playing with frogs
Polish crepes
Polish pride
Polish techno music
Pretty beach towels
Pulling an all nighter with my friends- talking until the sun comes up
Pumpkin pie with whipped cream
Purple eyeshadow
Quality time with mother
Rainy days spent indoors
Reading books
REC- scariest movie known to mankind
Receiving a new toothbrush from the dentist
Receiving all 90s+ on my report card and showing it to my mom
Red roses
Redecorating my room
Re-watching movies over and over again
Roaming around town aimlessly like a true teenager
Rogers on Demand TV show browsing
Seeing sheep and goats at a petting zoo
Shopping at any mall
Sigourney Weather (best actress)
Sleeping during a long car ride
Spearmint gum
Star Wars
Starbuck's grande white chocolate mocha
Stephen King novels
Sugary alcoholic drinks
Swimming in a lake
Taking photos of birds
Talking to my uncle
The Big Bang Theory
The joy of getting a new cell phone/iPod/other electronic
The radio
The smell of good cologne
Tim Horton's hazelnut iced cappuccino supreme
Tim Horton's hot chocolate
Tom Hanks movies
Transformers movies
Vanity Fair magazine
Visiting family in Poland and Germany
Visiting my elementary school
Waking up at 10 am or later
Walking alone listening to music
Washing the dishes and daydreaming
Watching a meteor shower
Watching a new 90210 episode on TV
Watching movies (preferably dramas, or action is good too)
Wearing new heels
Writing in my diary
Writing poetry
Writing stories
XBox Live
Ya Ya dresses
Yoga pants


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