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Showing posts from January, 2010

52. Tidal Wave

Written for my dear friend who recently had his heart broken, and anyone else who is ready to give up on love... don't lose hope!! :) Enjoy Love floods into our lives like a tidal wave of hope Only to crush our fragile bones to the ocean floor Love is so promising at first, until not all goes well And it gashes your back, flees, slams the door Nothing puts a smile on your face more than the thought That love is recycled and comes back around It appears when it is least expected One day, your soul mate will surely be found Do not worry, do not curse yourself Do not think of yourself as a foolish boy The one and only cure to a broken heart Is simply a glass full of anticipation and joy Life is not over, the birds keep on chirping They sing to the drum of your heart Know that, you are still yourself, you are still here Whether with someone, alone, or apart This journey of love, it is never ending Do not expect it to be pleasant all the way through As with every aspect of life, it ha...

51. Prisoner of Sunlight

Exam week has begun! Oh, the stress keeps building up! Also, this constant isolation from my friends and from regular school life has gotten me pretty down in the dumps. Sitting at home studying all day isn't all that fun... With no distractions except for history notes on my mind, I start looking back at past events- usually disturbing ones, that crowd my inner peace and totally distract me from studying! I'm actually supposed to be studying at the moment, but in order to achieve at least some peace I wrote a poem about this tunnel in my head... It seems like I'm over analayzing past situations over and over again and I'm sure that that's not healthy! You can't change what happened, but you can change what will be. Have to take my own advice sometimes! Ha, enjoy my poem. I am a prisoner of my mind I am a slave of my very own brain Flashbacks clog inner peace And restrain me from becoming sane Thoughts; they arrive with no knock on the door Barge in ...

50. The Daisies Will Keep On Crying

I am in a particularly deep thinking/the world is beautiful mode, so I decided to write another one of those depressing/OMGWTF type of poems (: Just some thoughts that have been going through my mind that I decided to share with the 2-3 (4!!?) people who read this blog. Enjoy Today, I looked at myself in the mirror. Not in a doing-my-makeup sort of way. No, this surpasses eyeliner of any kind Today, I learned who I am Hey, maybe I'm not that pretty after all Mom just tells me so just because she has to My grades? Average, nothing Harvard worthy Do I deserve the praise? Perhaps compliments means nothing. No matter how many times they tell me how special I am... I'm just one among the millions Of the people living in the world When I die, who will remember me? Over time, I will be forgotten And the only remains of me will be The waves in the stormy, rolling sea Those were my thoughts as I stared into my eyes. Just like daisies cry and tarnish Emotions come and go Not a daisy in...

49. Anything But Wasted Time [2009]

It is burdensome to believe, That 2009 is past tense now Nothing more but a legend Another chapter in life to write down Fireflies still murmur inside me... They say 2009 was anything but wasted time Alas, Earth disagrees; this year meant nothing But to me, it was a crucial escarpment to climb Now that the year is done, flashbacks reappear... Seeping into my brain like leeches in a bog Oh, how I must flee from these tormenting thoughts I barely see 2010 peaking from amidst the dark fog No, I'm not generally a nice person, but, people do change… Thank you to all who I've met this year, thank you to all my new friends It's always better to be together, after all To commemorate the minutes we’ve spent As I've mentioned before, we're living, we're breathing Is that not enough to bond and fail to remember the date? They're simply numbers on paper marking the sweet sunrise... Is it not more joyous to live than to constantly wait? White bla...