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Showing posts from October, 2023

Corporate Wasteland

Soon, we will live in a world where We can get everything from home And do everything we want From the sofa cushions Because the living room is No longer just the living room It is also a workplace, Doctor’s office, classroom Gym, cinema, jail Everything can be ordered online Stamped and shipped in plastic From China and Bangladesh (But forsake plastic straws in our Cokes!) You can order a week’s worth of food, Or a wedding dress, or a new cat Or tires, or even sex At the click of an app A touch of the keys Soon, we will live in a world where Robots will drive us, feed us, calm us As if we haven’t learned anything From decades of sci-fi prophecies Robots will take all the jobs From truck driver to waiter We won’t know if we’re chatting With a person filled with heart or oil That will be the peak of efficiency May we ask ourselves… What then?  

Road to Nowhere

I miss the days When I was impressed By nail polish from the dollar store And a double dutch date to the cinema When there was nowhere to go Nothing to do, in particular Except take bus route blue Get off at random stops And explore the dullness of suburbia Because everything was exciting and new Everything shiny, borrowed and blue Even on a road to nowhere En slow route to a somewhere That existed only in a sad fantasy We said, we would never bend To the wills of 'the man' We said we would eat coconuts All day under palm trees We would be different We would be famous Even though all we had Was some allowance in our pockets And a failed driver's test score But oh was it romantic To hop on a bus to nowhere With the rain pattering on the windows Or is it just miguided nostalgia? Because I am so glad that, now I am able to drive somewhere Anywhere Everywhere Home