Scattered Thoughts While on the TTC Subway/Bus/Streetcar Waiting for the subway . It's funny how the TV monitor screen says 5 minutes but I already see the lights coming through the tunnel. Trying to find a place to sit . Smelly guy. No. Homeless looking person. Uh... Dude who packed his entire life into his luggage bag. I'll just stand. The pole is warm . I wonder how many people didn't wash their hands after peeing . And touched this pole. And then licked their hands. God damn it I just scratched my face, I'm going to be infected with pee germs. Why is that guy staring at me? Is there something on my face? Stare at reflection in dark subway window. Looking good , looking good. Dude, turn down your music, I can hear Destiny's Child from here. New people coming into the train. Avoid eye contact at all costs . I just locked eyes with that girl for more than five seconds. AWKWARD . Put head down. Lift head back up. We made eye contact again. I'll just t...