2012 is over; it put me through shades of hell and square bits of heaven, but without this year, I would not have learned some things that will affect all the choices that I make from now on. My anger has evaporated (and now it's hanging on my balcony as an icicle that will soon melt when the sun shines). To achieve happiness, you must not rely on money, for it fades as quickly as it appears. You must not use somebody else's skin as a crutch, because kisses that are planted on your body quickly fade and the memory, over time, becomes wrenchingly painful rather than sweet. (You shouldn't trust soft words, either, for humans are capable of talking in a language called "garbage"). You won't find happiness by wading in liquor with people who also find happiness in liquor, for when the time comes that you need love in your life, the money and the kisses and the liquor and all those who hail liquor will be gone. So, I say good-bye to 2012, and thank you for tea...